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Connect patients to medical staff and family

Zoom Rooms allows a mobile cart or telehealth cart to be identified as a patient's room.

Quickly join or start a meeting with both video and audio with one touch.

Patients can automatically connect when contacted directly by medical staff or family with privacy listings enabled

Healthcare Resources

Tips on maximizing Zoom for your Healthcare organization

Designing a Hybrid Healthcare Organization

Hear how Moffitt Cancer Center unified communications and deployed Zoom Rooms to connect multiple locations.

Insights on the future of virtual care

Hear from Zoom leaders and healthcare providers on how virtual healthcare will evolve over the next decade in our white paper , developed in partnership with HIMSS.

Funding Resources

Leverage COVID-19 relief funding to modernize communications and enable seamless virtual care with healthcare grants and funding for rural clinics, hospitals, health organizations, and providers. Learn more about the funding available to you.

Want help planning your meeting spaces?

Our Professional Services team provides flexible plans to help ensure your Zoom Rooms experience is flawless. Get hands-on assistance to navigate every step of the process from design, development and project management, to deployment and installation.

Get Started with Zoom Rooms

Video-enable your shared workspaces
Digital Signage to broadcast communications and meetings
Scheduling Displays to maximize meeting space usage
Interop with SIP/H.323 endpoints
Centralized room and device management
Hardware eco-system for flexibility and ease of deployment