Create focused discussions using breakout rooms

Sometimes you need to pull someone aside for a quick chat, or bring a select group together for a more focused discussion. This goes for both in-person and virtual meetings, especially as today’s workforce oscillates between the two. With Zoom’s breakout rooms feature, you can bring this dynamic meeting structure to the digital space.

Create focused discussions using breakout rooms
What is a breakout room?

What is a breakout room?

Breakout rooms allow the host of a Zoom meeting to create separate, smaller groups within a larger meeting or training session. This feature allows everyone to work in smaller teams, where hosts can pull the groups back into the collective session when needed. A participant can alert the host when they need help, and you can visit any of the breakout groups to assist and answer questions.

You can use video, audio, chat, whiteboards, and screen sharing during a breakout room session.

How do I set up breakout rooms in Zoom?

Whether you’re running a large training session, trying to shake up your virtual classroom, or hoping to make a team bonding experience more engaging, breakout rooms are a key ingredient for building meaningful connections. They offer a few benefits, including:

  • Easy delegation

    Easy delegation

    When you need support during a session, co-hosts come in handy —- they can help you organize and lead a meeting and its corresponding breakout rooms. Co-hosts have full host privileges in breakout rooms, including the ability to assign, start, and end breakout rooms, as well as the ability to move between breakout rooms and broadcast messages to all members of a breakout room.

  • Organized, yet focused discussions

    Organized, yet focused discussions

    Though participants are in separate rooms, hosts can send a message to every breakout room when they need to get the word out about something. This feature is useful if you want to let your participants know it’s time to wrap up their discussions or finish an assignment, for example.

  • Break up long, continuous meetings

    Break up long, continuous meetings

    Once you close a breakout session, you can always decide to break your participants up again. This is useful for longer classes or events, as you can split your participants up as many times as you would like.

  • Get people the help they need, when they need it

    Get people the help they need, when they need it

    Just because you’re not in a room with someone doesn’t mean you can’t help them out. Breakout participants can click the “Ask for Help” icon to invite the host to join your breakout for assistance. The host will get a notification and can jump into that session.

  • Assess participant engagement

    Assess participant engagement

    In your participant tab, you as the host can see who is in each breakout room, and if they're speaking, sharing their screen, have video on, and more. This helps you get a better sense of breakout room engagement, and identify any areas that need extra attention.

  • Create consistent security

    Create consistent security

    End-to-end encryption (E2EE) for Zoom Meetings has expanded to breakout rooms. It will be the same experience as a standard E2EE meeting, except each breakout room gets its own unique meeting encryption key. You can use this feature when you need to add an extra layer of security to important, private conversations, or just want to get certain people together during an E2EE meeting.

How do breakout rooms work?

Creating breakout rooms

Creating breakout rooms

  • Breakout rooms allow you to split your meeting in up to 50 separate sessions.

  • As the meeting host, you can choose to split the participants of the meeting into these separate sessions automatically or manually, and you can join any one of these separate rooms at any time.

  • If you need to move participants, you can simply select the participant’s name and assign them to a different room.

  • You can also allow participants to control the experience by enabling them to select their preferred room from the start.

Get started with Zoom breakout rooms

Even virtual meetings need a way to connect certain individuals or create dedicated groups. With Zoom breakout rooms, you get the ability to engage your participants as needed while still enjoying the flexibility that comes with a digital environment.

Download Zoom Meetings today to experience breakout rooms in action!

Get started with Zoom breakout rooms