Buchen Sie eine personalisierte Demo mit einem Zoom-Experten

Erfahren Sie, wie wir Ihnen helfen können:

  • AICompanion

    Save time with AI Companion helping you compose, summarize, and gather information — included at no additional cost*

  • icon_mag_hat

    Connect your teams on a single platform that’s easy to use and simple to manage

  • icon_settings

    Customize Zoom Workplace to fit your organization’s needs with integrations for your most important business apps

  • icon_handshake

    Build lasting customer relationships through high-quality, personalized communications across voice, video, and messaging.

Highly rated by thousands of happy customers.

happy customer reivews
happy customer reivews
happy customer reivews

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*Included at no additional cost with the paid services in your Zoom user account. Zoom AI Companion might not be included for all regions or industry verticals.

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